A large tree shelters small, glowing plants. Everything is cast in a blue light with some purples.

Welcome to Everlight Tales & Tapestries

We believe in the magic of storytelling.

Carissa and Kimberly have been best friends since college. They share a love for the written word and a dream of weaving stories for all ages.

The name Everlight came from their faith, with both women believing in One True God, the Everlight that guides their lives. “Tales” refers to the stories they weave, and “Tapestries” has a dual meaning: the overall worlds and realms they build between stories and the use of art to enhance creative works and business needs.

Both women plan to publish under the Everlight brand, and Carissa also uses the name to offer her editing and design services to a wider audience. In the future, they hope to expand on their artistic offerings alongside their stories.

Say Hello

Kimberly stands facing the camera with a hand on her hip and smiling. She has short brown hair under a navy cap and is wearing a black shirt under a navy sweater. Her skirt is dark blue with small white bird silhouettes.
Carissa poses in front of an amethyst geode that looks like fairy wings. She has short brown hair, wears a bright pink shirt with teal pants and a purple over shirt, and uses a butterfly-printed cane. Her glasses are cat-eye shaped and purple.

Kimberly Glassco

Carissa Barker-Stucky